teleportation acknowledgment

experimental set-up

A pulse of UV-light passing through a nonlinear crystal creates the ancillary entangled pair of photons 2 and 3. After retroflection during its second passage through the crystal the UV-pulse creates another pair of photons. One of these will be the teleported photon 1. It can be prepared to have any polarization. Photon 4, deteced by detector p, serves as a trigger to indicate that photon 1 is under way.

ALICE then looks for coincidences behind a beam splitter BS2 where photon 1 and the anciliaries are superposed. BOB, after receiving the clasical information that ALICE obtained a coincidence count in detectors f1 and f2 identifying the Bell state , knows that his photon 3 is in the initial state of photon 1. This he can check using polarization analysis with the polarizing beam splitter PBS and the detectors d1 and d2.

Thus, photon 3 will turn out to have exactly the properties of photon 1 as defined by the polarizer.

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Text: HW Layout: MW.